The Life of a Florist

When I get asked, “What do you do?” and I respond that I am a Florist, the response is overwhelmingly, excitement. Often it is followed by “I’ve always wanted to be a florist!” and “You get to just play with flowers all day!

Short answer, being a florist is WONDERFUL! But it can also be a struggle too. 

Along the way I have learned a few lessons that I’d love to share with you:

  1. In large quantities, dusty miller smells musty. It makes me gag (literally gag!). I love the look, but Yikes, that smell….

  2. Wearing heels can make you feel confident, but by the end of the day you won’t be able to feel your toes. Humble or confident, you choose. ;)

  3. Going too fast is a “thing”. I have gotten stitches numerous times for being in a rush and cutting my finger instead of the stem.

  4. Every Rose does have a thorn. Those thorns are CRAZY! Some are big and some are small, but the pain is equal.

  5. Washing buckets is for the birds. We have to wash buckets multiple times per week to keep all of our water sanitary. The sinks are never big enough and the buckets are always too big. I have a colorful language sometimes when washing buckets.

  6. Being humble is a must. You will mess up, your human. You will fall down (literally). You will make a mess (dropping buckets of water is common). You will cry and you will laugh (at yourself mostly). But don’t ever think you are too big for any job. Always stay humble.

  7. Eating is a luxury. I cannot remember the last time I’ve had a “lunch” break. You can find me eating my next meal while buried in florals. (I'm pretty sure I’ve mistaken a flower leaf for my lettuce numerous times.)

  8. Podcasts are my dearest friends. I work alone, ALOT. Your mind can go blank while doing the same job day in and day out. Finding a favorite podcast has kept my mind busy and sharp while working.

  9. Manicures are a must. I used to get them occasionally, but over the past 7 years my nails are always painted. The havoc that florals wreak on your hands is unrepairable. 

  10. Coffee is a staple. Don’t start your day without it and don’t expect your mid-day to continue without a second (or fifth) cup. Thank goodness I work next door to the coffee shop! 

  11. Brides are the best! Contrary to popular belief, I adore my brides and have not once had a “bridezilla”. 

  12. Being a successful florist includes being a power-through-boss-lady, having a creative flair and super sensitive side for all your customers and clients. 

And the best part….. When you feel like you are too overwhelmed or too exhausted to continue this hustle, you deliver flowers to someone in need of a little bit of “sunshine”. You’ve just made their day. You are brightening the world….one bouquet at a time.


Let’s Talk About Arches, Arbors and Trellises


Let me introduce you to the underdog…..STOCK